Connective Helping-Hands Entering In Lasting Alliance , Life Awareness , Eagerness In Life’s Awareness , Energising Initiatives Lineaging Awareness and Energising Interst Lineaging Awareness,
Your perception of yourself is very complex. Similar to how you cannot see your own nose, you may often be blinded to the things that you are best at. It can be really hard to identify your brightest talents and they are often in the places you least expect.
*Your Uniqueness is your key to your thriving life and everyone has a unique imprint.*Your Uniqueness is the real pathfinder to your destination and keeps you truly engaged, being happy whatever you do.
Teaching/ Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance. A Teacher/ Coach is a mentor who shares knowledge, skills and/or experience, to help us to develop and grow.
In the last 24 hours, 1004+ people are connected , A fully FREE plateform for social sharing and conversation with thousend of peoples.
A therapeutic relationship is built on trust and confidence. At Chheila, we provide you with the right people who can help you feel safe and comfortable in your mental health journey.
Your “Uniqueness” doesn't need any “Tag” or “Name”... Okay to be Anonymous.
Your “Uniqueness” is your “Self-awareness”... keeps the bullies away.
Your “Uniqueness” about how you feel about yourself... “no need of likes.”
We have made tremendous progress in improving the quality of materials, vegetation, animals etc. But what about the quality of humankind… Let’s join hands and work together.
The first step for your happy and thriving life is to work consciously to identify your Uniqueness which leads to your Self-awareness…
Every individual is unique and there are ample evidences available but I present the strongest one is unique finger prints every person. It is very critical to keep the uniqueness intact of a child, minimising the parental expectations and by keeping societal pressures at bay.
As we all know that the purpose of education is to enlighten the human brains to attain wisdom. Teaching/coaching is the most sacred and tough job. Imagine if you know the Uniqueness of the disciples/ students, then delivering the content will be so easy.
Social Media can help youth immensely to discover thier Uniqueness and can amazingly turn-around our youth which will create a new conscious world. Our humble appeal to all social media magnets to come forward to aid when it comes to young members.
A strong and thriving company always in pursuit of better talent and, more importantly, retains that talent. Authenticity, Loyalty, Creativity, Happiness, Efficiency, Tolerance, Reliance, Resiliency, Effectiveness, Consistency… are the traits of a high performing frontline worker, an effective manager and a successful CEO/COO… and requires clarity, awareness and stress free happy working environment.
Local government is responsible for a range of basic vital services for citizens in their specific LGAs. The quality of life of citizens of LGAs is based on their awareness, their connectivity and interpersonal relationship.
United Nations has been striving hard to bring all Nations to a common platform of peace and progress. Unfortunately, there are still conflicts all around the world. Despite the best efforts from the United Nations to resolve Israel and Palestine which is going till date…
Some people know the reasons for stress and unhappiness, but there are lots of people who have everything in abundance but do not know the reasons for their stress or unhappiness?
Adventure is very important in our life to expand the way we see and interact with our world. Adventure expands our mind by enabling us to be brave/ bold and enhances our ability to grow and learn. Without adventure we miss the opportunity to assimilate with new environments and cultures which presents the platform for meaningful co-existence on planet earth. Adventure is the key to learning to adapt to the fast-changing environment we live in modern days and change is the law of nature.
Chheila is a movement to connect helping hands to assist everyone/anyone to discover their self-awareness... Chheila is a platform bound by its social responsibility to connect individuals and organisations to encourage conscious living aligned with their “Uniqueness”... “Acknowledge yourself and be happy who you are”...
Your Feelings
Your Thoughts
Your Actions
Your Confidence
Your Creativity
Your Happiness
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